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Don't know where this goes, but it's here

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Don't know where this goes, but it's here

Postby TukaLunaMarceau » 11 Apr 2016, 08:37

Alright, for all who read this...

What the hell is the Equipment Set all about, how do you use it, and why is it there. I've never seen it used, and don't get the point of it.

If it's pointless, just remove the thing.

Anyone know?
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Re: Don't know where this goes, but it's here

Postby HelixDraxzonyx » 11 Apr 2016, 17:52

Never thought to use it tbh. I'm assuming you can quick load different weapon/maga setups using that, but I've never tried it. If I can be bothered (and if I remember) I'll take a look at it tomorrow.
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Re: Don't know where this goes, but it's here

Postby Firon » 14 Apr 2016, 03:37

I think it's meant to be a "coming soon" thing that just hasn't been fully implemented yet. It was added some time ago but I wouldn't expect it to be completed any time soon..
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