Lol, so today was pretty productive. Went to bazaar looking for Staff SF mags (wanted 2 Taiitsu and 2 Gyokutei). Found 1 Taiitsu and 2 Fake Staff mags, which is better than I had before, so that's fine. Saw a Fake Staff mag for sale by Kogitsune Yume which I was tempted to buy seeing as it had epic ornaments, but for 300oc... no thanks. I could get around a dozen for that price, and just try to ornament them myself. Looked at the Staves being sold as well. Most were way over my level. There were also some that I guess are being sold by noobs, like Thirty Six Poets (also saw a disturbing amount of friendship items for sale in bazaars as well. Why?) The only staves around my level were either Flamearm Preghiera, which I don't want, or else were purely healing/SP recovery + Rapid Storm, which I also don't want. I prefer my Staves to have at least one attack (2 if I use both ougi slots). Ideally Holy Pillar or Soul Strike. Or both. So I skipped out on that.
Bought myself 3 Reset Button Bs and 3 Smelting Amulets of Great Fortune (shopping plaza only sells regulars and greats, which kinda sucks) before using my remaining OC (133) to get points from Daruma. Bought 10 4-6 Staff skill cards (one of which was Resurrection IV). Saving the rest of my points for friendship items. I cleared Kaga story with my staff user (that makes two characters to do that now), so I've got a lot of friend levelling to do. My next step for Kotori is to clear sidequests (got about a hundred to do, based on Kyoto alone which is a sea of yellow markers), before clearing Seki, Nether Seki and Kaga dungeons on all difficulties. After that: levelling. Want to run Youen Hell for Oborotenjiku, but if I tried that now I'd get destroyed. Even my main struggles there.
And now I leave you with some advice: Tread carefully in Nether Seki. I ended up being stalked by three Death Scythes at the same time. I can't even kill one, let alone three. It might be wise to get yourself a bodyguard.