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What do you guys think about the new mags ?

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What do you guys think about the new mags ?

Postby Saganez » 18 Feb 2017, 00:54

Those new mags are ridiculous :lol:
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Joined: 02 Sep 2014, 08:22

Re: What do you guys think about the new mags ?

Postby Wibberish » 18 Feb 2017, 01:21

Since they are lacking in element and critical force, they will fall pretty far behind Fused/Tempest/Rumbling/Tempest in terms of damage unless you're just using dark skills. (Skill force is capped at 500% so there's really no point in getting more than 350-400% from your magas' base stats.) But their low chakra costs open up a lot of possibilities, and they have ridiculous amounts of defense. I've been trying out 3 Magatama of Knowledge and 1 Chiami, all with full orns, and it's kinda ridiculous. I went from not being able to survive the first room of Palace Hell 5-man solo to being able to solo the whole dungeon easily so long as I had dura. At level 127 I would have enough chakra to switch out one of the Knowledges with a Mastery magatama and still use full Fated with Confining/Unblinking on the chiami. Personally, I like these new maga a lot.
IGN: Renera
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Joined: 19 May 2015, 13:17

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