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generous amount of gacha

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generous amount of gacha

Postby IamNotYolo » 14 Mar 2017, 13:32

Gacha Tickets from this event and achievements (a total of 34 !!). While that sounds amazing and all, can we keep the tickets past the end of this event? To save it for future spins? Need confirmation.
k thx bai
#YOLO (lvl130 Archer) "Bows have always sucked" AYY LMAO
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Re: generous amount of gacha

Postby Wibberish » 14 Mar 2017, 16:06

Why seek confirmation here instead of sending a ticket? I doubt you're going to get a GM response here.

That said, as far as I know, standard gacha tickets have never expired before so there is no reason to believe they will now.
IGN: Renera
Posts: 191
Joined: 19 May 2015, 13:17

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