Firon wrote:Edit: By the way, when you mentioned partners having worse dps, was that vs something that is neutral/weak/slightly resistant to wind (using wind skills) or for any element not supported by TQ/Knowledge? I'm currently planning on making elemental sets with elemental neutral sf mags so I'm wondering if it's worth it (i.e. to build for a few elements or make alternatives for all elements -poison/flight/none etc.). I would've thought that partners would be able to out-damage players with just nature rates alone, let alone with properly supported elements.
Not quite sure what you mean. The TQ build was just used as an example of the lack of weapons; didn't mean to compare it to partners. As for partner vs player DPS, I was just saying that inferior skill repetition speed could tip the balance back into players' favor in many cases. And whether or not that is the case depends on the exact skills being compared; a few partners have spammable skills as well.
As an example, my dual Tidal Wave Sublime spam comes extremely close to matching Lancelot's rain DPS with optimal skills & attribute advantage even though I don't have any rain element from my magatama. It's so close that against Abyss, switching to Lancelot can actually lower my DPS when he doesn't stand still. If I actually had high enough base CF/element that her bonuses would push her above the cap, then I would easily outdamage her in all situations. And Lancelot is one of the better partners.
(Also, from my experience, type matchups are actually detrimental to partners in many cases. When you finally find a partner with the proper elements and passable quality, it can all be for naught when they have a type disadvantage.)
Basically I just want to say this: repeatedly spamming a skill with both fast execution speed and either super armor or range can outperform the usage of slower skills even if the latter case involves stats/SF that are several times higher.
And I have found that partners tend to have very slow, fancy cinematic skills most of the time. Trying to find a good skill to spam is like sifting through a pile of junk. That's why I said that it's often better to just go for the best available player options.
Anyway, as for making general magatama builds for each element, I personally wouldn't bother with that because there are only a handful of bosses that require specialized builds in the first place. Instead I would simply make builds for each specific boss that has over a billion HP, or whichever ones you struggle with. (For my character, the only bosses that actually require me to target their weakest element(s) to farm effectively are Yog, Fuujin, and Raijin. Even purple mephi dies to just Tidal Wave Sublime.)