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Been only getting Natto on PT Underworld.

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Been only getting Natto on PT Underworld.

Postby Batora » 24 Jan 2018, 17:50

Some friends been having this issue too, we already completed the event storyline.

Any ideas ?
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Re: Been only getting Natto on PT Underworld.

Postby Riddras » 25 Jan 2018, 00:15

Is this issue still ongoing? I haven't had much chance to run it the past few days. No issues with toshii and inu modes as far as I can tell. Will check it out later.
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Re: Been only getting Natto on PT Underworld.

Postby Batora » 25 Jan 2018, 11:43

Riddras wrote:Is this issue still ongoing? I haven't had much chance to run it the past few days. No issues with toshii and inu modes as far as I can tell. Will check it out later.

really appreciated, thanks
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Re: Been only getting Natto on PT Underworld.

Postby Riddras » 25 Jan 2018, 16:54

I ran the dungeon earlier and it seems to be dropping stuff for me. Would be nice if more people can confirm this drop issue. Sorry I couldn't help much.
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Re: Been only getting Natto on PT Underworld.

Postby Taakun » 27 Jan 2018, 10:10

I've been having a similar issue. My main gets all the drops except the Bizarre Eyeball and Goddess Crystal, and my alt only gets natto.
My wife's main gets all the drops while her alt only gets natto.

The only thing I can think of is maybe the progress of the main quest. My wife has finished up to the content cap while I stopped with collecting android parts. Our alts aren't near the content cap. Other than the main quest, our main chars are nearly identical in terms of weapons, equipment, accessories, partners, level, etc.

I emailed Cyberstep and they were pretty clueless. I was told the eyeball and crystal are rare drops and that I need to do the dungeon over and over again until they drop.

On another note, if you are able to get Toshiie's scroll and have her out for at least 1 run in the Propagation dungeon, you should get +2 for the event items and +10 natto.
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Re: Been only getting Natto on PT Underworld.

Postby Riddras » 27 Jan 2018, 19:54

Thanks for the feedback guys. Good to know.


Lincoln-sama wrote:I'm not completely sure if houou and kirin is necessary to get x3 but when i had houou and kirin while no maeda, I only get 1 of each mat.

Confirmed Kirin adds the item reward. Had a scroll laying around in inventory so I used it.

For Houou, I'll need to look for previous screenshots before and after I had her, but I'm pretty sure it does make a difference too.
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Re: Been only getting Natto on PT Underworld.

Postby Taakun » 28 Jan 2018, 09:09

Awesome, thanks Lincoln-sama (and Riddras) for confirming this. I thought it would've been too unusual to have a content cap requirement when Kaga was already required. But I didn't think players would have to obtain so many partners to get event items...
Thanks to your help I was finally able to understand how the reward bonus chart worked. I thought partners needed to be summoned to get their bonus, I couldn't figure out why my rewards weren't changing when I had different partners out. Cyberstep only posted this on the JP website but like always, this stuff doesn't make it to EN players.


(Magatamas need to be equipped to obtain the bonus and their bonus is stackable)
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Re: Been only getting Natto on PT Underworld.

Postby Batora » 28 Jan 2018, 18:45

that seems kinda

Still, thanks for all the info guys.
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Re: Been only getting Natto on PT Underworld.

Postby Riddras » 28 Jan 2018, 20:35

Great info, thanks Taakun. If CS JP posted the info, it should also apply to US side. The numbers match up with my partners too.

Now if only nyankoropon would give me toshiie...
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