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I'm getting real tired of CS not accepting my debit card

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I'm getting real tired of CS not accepting my debit card

Postby SCP-173 » 25 Mar 2018, 13:04

How hard is it just to buy some fucking OC from you guys. Your thing says "what's the name on the card". There is no fucking name you twats. It's one of those visa debit cards you get at a dollar store or pharmacy that is reusable. Almost like a gift card. But nooooooo. You guys won't let people use visa gift cards. Or any card that doesn't have a FUCKIN NAME ON IT!
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Re: I'm getting real tired of CS not accepting my debit card

Postby Fafhred » 01 May 2018, 01:41

Tip: Register with PayPal, and pay through them.
- 1) PayPal will accept any valid card, and the online shop will not have to know anything about it.
- 2) WAY safer to pay through PayPal than any other payment method other than banks.
- 3) Your card details stay safe (only PayPal have them), instead of being used through many sites, some of which are less-than-secure.
- 4) Cyberstep login is an example: plain www page, no SSL or Https; modern browsers such as Firefox kindly inform you of it, every time you go to the login input box.
I sent CS a support ticket regarding this when I registered a couple of months ago, the reply was what I later figured was their standard pasted reply, suggesting that they did not even read it.
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