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Is Miroku Glitched for you?

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Is Miroku Glitched for you?

Postby Winter de Solis » 28 Jun 2018, 03:54

Every option on Miroku gives an error on all my characters before crashing the game. Is this only just me or is it a bug in the game?

Thanks for reading.
Winter de Solis
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Joined: 22 Jul 2015, 23:48
Location: Depends. I'm in edo but the other Solis sister characters are elsewhere.

Re: Is Miroku Glitched for you?

Postby Dark Deceiver » 28 Jun 2018, 06:31

Yep, happens to everyone. Cyberstep, or at least whoever runs their Facebook page, is aware of it and has said it'll be fixed "soon".
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Dark Deceiver
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Re: Is Miroku Glitched for you?

Postby Winter de Solis » 28 Jun 2018, 22:03

Dark Deceiver wrote:Yep, happens to everyone. Cyberstep, or at least whoever runs their Facebook page, is aware of it and has said it'll be fixed "soon".

Thank you for the prompt response. Glad to know Cyberstep is looking into it.

I've seen you a lot on the forums helping out others so it is good to have someone dedicated to keeping the forums alive.
Winter de Solis
Posts: 85
Joined: 22 Jul 2015, 23:48
Location: Depends. I'm in edo but the other Solis sister characters are elsewhere.

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