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Cyberstep, we need to talk...

Anything Onigiri related!

Cyberstep, we need to talk...

Postby Azaleic » 20 Jul 2018, 21:46

Okay, so regardless of if this stuff has been said or not, I think we need to have a serious talk Cyberstep.....

First item on the agenda is what is wrong with Onigiri overall (based on my own opinions)
Firstly, there is WAY too much focus on events, and to top it off these events seem to pander to your end game players (at least this Makami event does). You have to stop with these trivial events that are not only unnecessary, but hurting your potential for growth. These events serve no purpose, but to expand the idea that this game is dead....
Secondly, you need to revamp the EXP Dungeon. And I don't mean changing the drop rates.... I mean removing the Normal (and possibly Hard) difficulty as it serves no purpose but to ruin new players. Allow me to elaborate; By making it easy for new players to essentially max their toon in like 2-3 weeks you are setting them up for failure. Sure, they'll have the level, but now they're gonna have to back track in order to farm all the stuff they missed by speed leveling.... This causes frustration and ultimately leads to less new players popping up.
Thirdly, and I cannot believe I have to say this, change the EXP boost back to the way it originally was.... None of this 100% Bonus EXP till 99. I have already explained my reasoning with the EXP Dungeon.
Fourth, you need to stop making unwarranted nerfs on skills and Partners and Mounts (way to nerf Fuujin's Heavenly Hammer and not tell us) when they are not asked for nor needed. This is becoming a routine for you people.
Lastly, you need to stop adding items to the game that essentially have already existed but under different names.... And also remove those atrocious -Sunrise- Weapons since eventually they become irrelevant.

Second item on the agenda is the list of things that you can do to improve the quality of the game;
First, Stop adding things and concetrate on fixing the issues that people have been complaining to you about FOREVER. These issues include the laggy servers which could be solved by moving the game servers to a better server.
Secondly, STOP ignoring your freaking players, not since EA has a company had more of it's players hate it then when you guys decided to stop caring. And don't even give me the whole "but we don't have that big a team to work on these issues", because Digital Extremes is a team of maybe 150 people, and look how Warframe is doing.
Thirdly, Remove the STUPID tax on Bazaars.... Never in my entire life have I ever been as appalled with a trading system as i do with onigiri's. It is unfair to not only the person who spends the OC on a bazaar'd item but the the one who opened the Bazaar to not be able to spend that OC as if it were bought OC.... You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Fourthly, if you don't want to take time to listen to your players, I suggest you sell this game's rights to a company that will (a company like digital Extremes) if not, then stop making excuses and fix yourselves.

Last item on the agenda is nothing more then my thoughts on Cyberstep and Onigiri.
I do enjoy the game, the music is great, the story is actually pretty cool, and the choice to mix Sci-fi, fantasy and Mythology is pretty dope. My biggest issue with Onigiri is that it has fallen into what you might call a "filler hell". No new story and nothing but events. I am most appalled at YOU Cyberstep. You make excuses for why you cannot do things that are asked of you by your players, and that is something I cannot support. Also, do not think just because you have had successes in the past means you are not susceptible to failure. Stop wasting out time with pointless nerfs, additions, and events and stop ignoring your players. Or else you may end up taking EA's title of the worst gaming company....

So, take what I said or delete this post, but know this Cyberstep I will not stop pressing you to do what you know is right....
IGN:Azaleic-Lvl 120(Bow)
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Kenpaku Youmu-Lvl 100(Twin Sword)
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Re: Cyberstep, we need to talk...

Postby NoodleLab » 21 Jul 2018, 21:53

The things is i doubt CS really care (at least for US server). Heck, all they do is to translate the content from jp and they can't even do it right most of the time.

I agree the game has ton of issues, but some of the stuffs you mentioned aren't really the big deals. The things about exp dg isn't really the problem anymore. Items drop is no longer affected by player level. Some events are really helpful for new player (ex: yog event, kintoki, hound dog ...). Even the current Makami event, unless you want the frozen hell mag from archievement, you should focus on the 3 recipes of low level version of the mag from exchange which are easy to get (i got all in like the first day).
But they really need to add other contents other than limited time event or more importantly fix the current issues with performance, balance, drop rate ...

I think you are probably right CS want 'to expand the idea that this game is dead'.
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Re: Cyberstep, we need to talk...

Postby Scythe812 » 31 Jul 2018, 12:16

There are people who buy 5000 cents per week, the cyberstep is not going to improve the game being that people paying for can play a bad game.

instead of complaining about onigiri stop playing and find another better game already there are better games like (online Kritika, Closers online, soul worker online and other new ones that will launch).

cbyerstep has to understand that being the game does not improve the game the players simply will abandon it.

This is for those who read this post: instead of you doing these events or weapon that takes 744 hours of play to do, you simply should not do anything in the game until they improve the game being Doing them means that you accept the things as they are, but we all know that it will not improve at all because the Onigiri US and simply Onigiri JP translated anything that we asked for is not going to change anything because the change is only in JP Onigiiri so be smart and stop wasting time hoping that they will improve the game because it is not going to be better, but to be want to stay with this useless hope you should complain with Cbyestep of JP that I think has more chance of them listening,

has bug, error, unbalanced skill, useless item, drop low that the players complain more than 4 years, but still continue doing things instead of going offline until they adjust .... well good luck for you who still have hope that I know who complains more keeps doing the things only means that you accept the things that way and the time that You Claim the thing and it's just the same as the child complaining about not having the thing
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Re: Cyberstep, we need to talk...

Postby Hizaika » 02 Aug 2018, 19:38

"leeching" "disgusting" thats onigiri .

i play this thing since the beta, and i can tell you this : don't waste your time in this "thing", its not worth it . forget the game and warn everyone who want to try to play , this game is just a casino online .
just leave please , so this game can die faster . go play Tera , Black desert , Kritika , blade and soul , tree of savior ,dragon nest , dang even soul worker , the best anime MMO is not transleted to english and really doesnt matter belive me and still better . this ppl doesnt care about anything, the worst publisher in occident , worst than game forge , aeria and nexon together .
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