by Vanilla » 05 Jun 2014, 08:26
So as I'm sure most of you have realized simply by the size of the client as it downloaded, or by opening the client and seeing only a register button, The download Cyberstep released last night is nothing more than the launcher and a basic window to register with. It is not the full game, which means that when the beta opens, the game is still going to have to download and patch about 10gb+ of data, which in my opinion kind of defeats the purpose of releasing it earlier under the geuss of "Hopping into the game faster" when it launchs. But I'm posting this for those of you who are freaking out about or wondering about the client download, so there you have it.
Last edited by
Vanilla on 05 Jun 2014, 08:27, edited 1 time in total.
First I was like...
And then I was like...