Anyhow after having no idea what she did in JP version (I never really bothered to look around :X) we finally figured out that she grants titles which give a decent boost to certain stats.
The stat boosts range from any of the 5 main stats to things like hp/sp and weapon proficiency.
However some skills require a qualification to be met before acquiring but some of the basic ones, do not have any requirement. Oh, and our beloved goddess will also take all your money in exchange for one of these buddies ranging from prices 400k-700k+ (Just when you thought weapons would take all your money alone)
Another interesting part is that there's some sort of number limitation on the number of people who can have the title? 0/400, 1/400, and such. (We're not sure how this feature works especially since there's no where near enough players to actually take up all 400 possession slots in this cbt)
Uhm... there's probably some more I should right about but (blaming distractions) I'll prob put them down later since I can't think of them right now. xD
Anyhow, here's some pics. (courtesy of legendary Sliferx)