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[GUIDE]How to build you character

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Re: [GUIDE]How to build you character

Postby SupremeTentacle » 17 Jun 2014, 12:55

You'll be fine at late game.

Personally, I would prefer to pump all my points into power early on, then start branching into vit after you've reached the point where you feel like adding power doesn't help you as much.
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Re: [GUIDE]How to build you character

Postby Hellzsaint » 21 Jun 2014, 05:36

So if I want to be a Samurai do I keep my vit and pwr the same as I level?
Or should I keep pwr? If so what should be the point different between the two.

Sorry I'm kinda new to this stat stuff Dx
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Re: [GUIDE]How to build you character

Postby WulfenKnight » 21 Jun 2014, 09:29

Ok i just revamped the guide by adding images for each weapon & class Aswell as organizing stuff abit better. So it starts from BEFORE character creation and during. Then after. i'm gonna try and make the weapons under skills stand out more and improve apon what each stat truly does next.

@Hellzsaint & @Fenrir
You can keep Power and Vit at the same pace as you lvl, that will give you an equal amount of defense and attack as you lvl up. But later when you lvl you'll probably wanna focus on power more so too up your attack. You could also just stack on power and add some points too vit here and there. It depends on how squishy you wanna be. From what i've heard you should be able too atleast max out 2 stat pools. Or real close too it. so end game(Lv100) you can have Power 100 and Vit 100. and may have some points left over. Un-sure right now.
Onigiri ENG Alpha Tester IGN: WulfenKnight Lv21, Hekaru Lv30, WolfenKnight Lv11
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Re: [GUIDE]How to build you character

Postby SupremeTentacle » 21 Jun 2014, 10:24

WulfenKnight wrote:@Hellzsaint & @Fenrir
You can keep Power and Vit at the same pace as you lvl, that will give you an equal amount of defense and attack as you lvl up. But later when you lvl you'll probably wanna focus on power more so too up your attack. You could also just stack on power and add some points too vit here and there. It depends on how squishy you wanna be. From what i've heard you should be able too atleast max out 2 stat pools. Or real close too it. so end game(Lv100) you can have Power 100 and Vit 100. and may have some points left over. Un-sure right now.

It's the other way around.

As a power build, you want to focus on more power than vit earlier on, because damage will help you level more than small amounts of hp and defense. The way max hp is calculated takes your level into account, so adding vit does not have much of an effect until you reach the point that it begins to scale in (level 40ish area).

You don't want to actually put in 100 points into a stat, normally.

There are certain limits at which it becomes inefficient, especially since affinity has a cap. Also, power does not add any flat attack, it only adds damage for power-type weapon classes, so if the player decides they want to use spear instead, then adding in power would have been completely and utterly pointless. Besides, you get more status points per level at higher levels, letting you stack like 4+ vit or whatever secondary stat per level.

Early on, its best, by far, to stack the crap out of the stat that relates to the weapon type you plan to use, rather than distribute it.

Also, end game, people normally seem to build 2 stats into the 8x-9x area, and have 2 stats around the 60 area.

Also, why is it that you're making up classes, like "ninja"? ._.
These terms are not really used by anyone else, nor are they applicable in game. The only place that you will ever see "ninja" is as a quest npc, or as something related to a title in some manner. This just serves to confuse newbies. I suggest just labelling them as they are - as pow/dex/whatever builds
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Re: [GUIDE]How to build you character

Postby Adahami » 21 Jun 2014, 14:24

so let's say i wanna be a Dex/Power character... would it be alright if i start using full Dex with bow for solo untill something like 50-60 dex and after that i go for the Power ?

and btw... how many points will you have in total ? like... can i get Full dex + Full power at lvl 105 ?
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Re: [GUIDE]How to build you character

Postby WulfenKnight » 21 Jun 2014, 14:31

How is it the other way around? Like i said it depends on how squishy you want too be. If you don't like dying in 1 hit you'll probably want some vit in the first 10-20lvls depending on what CT you pick of course, Because some people(including me) don't like dying everytime you step close too a monster(Especially when you have 2Vit like when i play kind).

And yes that's obvious that if he decided too be a spearmen instead adding too power would be kinda useless. BUT Power does also add DD to other weapons, and i believe dex does it too, just not nearly as much. And it adds to HP.(Of course you wouldn't want too have 40Power if you ain't gonna use Katana, Long Sword, or Axe.)

And why have i given them names? i believe i've already answered this:
I've also given them names that are Typical to normal MMORPGs so new people can kinda understand whats what, if they wanna be something specific(Quickly) that they were in another MMORPG. And it got abit confusing with a CT named Power.

^--Tho "Ninja" and "Samurai" ain't typical to normal MMORPGs i don't know what else too name them. i've gotten ideas from people in the past(Around Alpha before forum wipe) that helped me get these names. If you can think of something better do tell.

I don't have a clue how many stat points you get in total as the highest lvl i've hit is 30 and only a JP Player would know for sure at this point. Also i don't believe you can hit 105. the max is 100 from what i've seen. And from what " SupremeTentacle " says you don't get as many stat points. I don't know. And aside from minato and afew others, i don't know who is a JP Player(The people who actually know).

And you could do that. But if you don't max out dex, like if you just got it too 30. you would have abit of a problem trying too switch too power later cause as you lvl and add points too power(only) your bow gets weaker without adding too dex(Tho if you keep up with getting new bows and plusing them it won't be as bad)
Onigiri ENG Alpha Tester IGN: WulfenKnight Lv21, Hekaru Lv30, WolfenKnight Lv11
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Re: [GUIDE]How to build you character

Postby SupremeTentacle » 21 Jun 2014, 16:49

Vit is literally 2 hp per status point at low levels. If you're going to get ohk'd, you're going to get ohk'd. The thing that changes how tanky you are... is Magatama that you choose to equip. And if you're going to say that 1 hp makes a difference.... it doesn't. Neither does the 6.2 def per vit point. Monsters will hit you for well over your maximum hp regardless of whether you are vit or not, especially because physical and magical damage are different, and vit mainly adds p.def. It only starts to matter if you have a significant amount of vit, or are of a decent level. However, the recommendation was for a player to build vit early game, which essentially just screws them unless they build spear.

Power adds damage to twin swords and bow... but every 10 power points is worth 1 dex point. It does not add any damage to any other weapon types. What it does add, is attack speed. But, you only get 1 attack speed per 30 points in power. (You can get 5 attack speed for smelting your weapon to +50, and its barely noticeable.) Because it takes a minimum of 3 status points to raise your power by one, and raising your dex by one at 99 dex requires 25 points, it will always be more efficient to use dex to raise the damage of dex based weapons. Dex gives critical damage... not flat damage. You've pretty much admitted that you don't know what stats give what based on the fact that you believe power grants overall damage, implying that you don't understand ideal builds.

It's not helping to give them names if the game does not use those names. It's really not. It confuses people, so just don't bother naming them. The game names the five stats for you, and you are free to use those terms. Everyone would know what you meant if you said "power build," but if you went into Onigashima ch.1, and spouted out ninja, I doubt many people would know what the hell you were talking about.

@ Adahami

Yes, you can hit level 105 =]]

Personally, I think it's fine... if you were playing twin swords for dex. Having ~60 base dex, and 3 wolf magatama allows you to max out your twin swords affinity at level 35, meaning that any additional points in dex would not raise your base twin swords damage any further. However, it would raise your critical damage and critical rate, so keep that in mind.

*The conversion ratio from dex -> CPwr is currently unknown
*12 dex = 1 crit rate

However, please note that your power weapons would do practically no damage unless you get your power to a significantly high amount, and that not adding in additional dex would pretty much gimp your bow damage.

About the maxing out of stats - it's not efficient to do this. You'd be better off dispersing your status points after getting your main ones to ideal levels. (Power in a multiple of 30, and dex in a multiple of 12)
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Re: [GUIDE]How to build you character

Postby Fenrir » 21 Jun 2014, 22:02

SupremeTentacle wrote:You'll be fine at late game.

Personally, I would prefer to pump all my points into power early on, then start branching into vit after you've reached the point where you feel like adding power doesn't help you as much.
I started allocating stats for vit when my str was around 50, is this an ideal number?

I'm also curious on what are the differences if I switched the character type to power instead of daring(still 75% pow and 25% vit in allocation). Would I have to drop bow as a viable weapon?
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Re: [GUIDE]How to build you character

Postby SupremeTentacle » 22 Jun 2014, 00:48

Fenrir wrote:I started allocating stats for vit when my str was around 50, is this an ideal number?

I'm also curious on what are the differences if I switched the character type to power instead of daring(still 75% pow and 25% vit in allocation). Would I have to drop bow as a viable weapon?

Idealy, you want to try to get your pwr high enough such that you can have 3k affinity after magatama. But, if you felt like you didn't need any more damage, then yes, its fine to start putting in vit after 50 pwr. (But I still don't recommend it, because personally, I feel like you should get the stat to 80ish or so first, especially since power still gives half the hp per point of vit).

The character type affects how the character develops naturally. As you reach certain levels, you will gain stat bonuses, and the rate of which each stat is boosted is based off of the chosen trope.

Daring gets most free dex, second most free power.
Power gets most free power, second most free vit.
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Re: [GUIDE]How to build you character

Postby WulfenKnight » 22 Jun 2014, 01:30

Wow.... I barely know what too say. Your half correct and part of the time almost exactly repeating what i said, And either you haven't read my guide since i last said revamped it & barely read my last post. Or you aren't understanding it. I Did not say Power Or Dex. <--BOTH OF THEM. Gives damage too ALL Weapons. I DID say that BEFORE i updated. because i wasn't fully paying attention, I was lvling at the time and i took screenshots for later. i looked at them later and realised what was happening(Unless you ment DD/Affinity when you said "Flat Damage" In that case... YES Dex does add "Flat Damage" to Twin Swords and Bow, But Also Adds Crit. Once again... In my guide) . And i know for a fact. that as you said
SupremeTentacle wrote:Power adds damage to twin swords and bow... but every 10 power points is worth 1 dex point.

^--Is 100% correct as far as i've seen. BUT
SupremeTentacle wrote:It does not add any damage to any other weapon types.

^--Is wrong. As it says in my guide it also adds too spear damage i have screenshots too prove it. AT the same rate it adds too twin swords and bow.

SupremeTentacle wrote:You've pretty much admitted that you don't know what stats give what based on the fact that you believe power grants overall damage, implying that you don't understand ideal builds.

Ok... What are you saying now?, that Power doesn't give damage primarily too Katana,Long Sword,Axe?? And every 10 points too Twin Swords, Bow, Spear?!? Or is it that you haven't read my guide since CBT has ended?... And how don't i understand "Ideal Builds" When we've been saying almost the exact same thing... ._. Honestly this is getting monotonous and pointless.

And as far as the names go, i'm just gonna keep them. i know that without it. It's been confusing too some people. They can choose too pay attention or ignore it.

Not too be rude but I'm not gonna bother explaining stuff anymore, " SupremeTentacle " seems too "Mostly" have it covered. except he seems too think stats give less then what they do at times. where some have said they give more then what they do(Those who say more. played the JP version and stuff is different in EN Atleast in the un-released version "Example JP guide said 1 power or vit point gave 12HP?? o=O")
Onigiri ENG Alpha Tester IGN: WulfenKnight Lv21, Hekaru Lv30, WolfenKnight Lv11
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