i agreed with the enemy attack hitbox being quite...something,like i was 1 m from the trajectory and it still hit me,well possibly lag was also contributing but better coding should be able to minimalized it
if possible make the companion more useful,or just make them like player/unit/object whatever,have hp/sp,deal moar damage,not attacking air,and can be set about the nature of attacking,aggressive,buffer,healer,etc (or make each character have their own way)
i guess mailsystem is abit impossible,since people can spam id ,hog all that gift from story Q and sell then,too bad
make them dodge have an actual i frame and make em dodge abit longer,really..
add some raid boss,i don't know like yamata no orochi (impossible,probably inside susanoo),kraken,leviathan,or any big boss =w=,but please prepared some lag countermeasure though..
make the friend list able to show where they are...it's hard when the person themselves don't know,or don't have the time to reply