Rufei wrote:What your evidence proves is that there is a case in which 0 durability loss occurs. What I'm providing is a case in which durability loss does occur. The proper conclusion is that when your weapon breaks, there is a chance for durability loss, but it is not necessitated.
You should take a formal logic course.
Where is your Proof? I been showing my proof, I been taking the time to repeat , I made new character who should had lower Odd's , I been here providing Evidence, While all you do is mock my evidence and provide nothing to back up your statement.
there is 1/2 chance of it naturally being good repair (no durability lost) and Bad repair (lost durability). with the RGN being in the odd of one of those, Should provide at least 1/100+ Attempt I been doing , and max durability lost, even in the video there should been 1/4 chance of it happening, But it didn't.
I am willing to do an Live stream of it Again, with an level 1 if you Really must watch the proof, an Yoshi level 1 once didn't gave me any lost of max durability meaning I will have no problem a 3rd, 4th and 5th time.
And I will always be doing the math needed to do an formal logic steps, making sure there no but's or and - only leave the Any (the RGN) to put the chance of the Odd's of it.
And if you been using the Repair powder as much as you Claim , your weapon much be 2k Durability by now, with the chance of it always being Good and Great Repairs. if you Truly do use them ever repair run.
So before you say I am plugin my ears, and trying make it go away, and want to use the "Formal of Logic" with the Logical Form of "Deductive and inductive reasoning, and abductive inference" with "Consistency, validity, soundness, and completeness" with is by giving Evidence so then the "Rival conceptions of logic" can be proven.
I been doing this clearly as I am doing what I can to give you the Evidence, while you aren't giving me anything that show that I am in the wrong. As long you haven o proof of this max durability being lowered by hitting zero , and the Consistency I been, It show I am giving more Valid information with soundness of proof giving the completeness of the debunking facts. While you are Just Saying this and this happen when the odd of you might been talking about just fail Smelt, or bad repair cause you don't have as many repair powders as you like to seem to "have" , as you would have then weapon by now in theory - 2k durability. with the fact you removed all chances of Bad repairs not able to happen. with Yoshi , meaning You only keep the same Durability or increase.
So where am I plugin my ears? where have I turn down to give you anything that I haven't done? Where am I having flaws? Where is this "bad luck" you had when I should had at least in theory of now 1 lost of durability out 1000+ items I done this to now? Where is chance of it happening when even an Level 1 Yoshi had No increase chance to keep the RGN in favor of the "Bad" happening? and Still haven't lost an single durability?
As long you want to try be logical , provide Evidence, or proof , as long as you Don't , you are able to "Rival conceptions of logic" when in the formal of logic being prove to be re-exam to make an new factor.
As long you don't give any solid proof, you are clearly not in the "formal logic course" you claim to be in.