Hermit Crab Grotto
11944 XP in 11:32 (Normal); 19406 XP in 16:40 (Hell)
Massive improvement over the last time I tried this dungeon (as in, I cleared it). How on earth you would clear this fast enough to be worthwhile I don't know.
If you want I can show you in game, but my clear on solo hell that I just did again is 9:11 for 32482 base,or 97446 exp total pool + base exp
In comparison Gouriki's meeting point solo hell is 3:14 for 7436 exp base, or 22308 exp total pool + base
So the time I run hermit crab once, I can run Gouriki approximately 3 times for total of 67k exp, still doesn't match the 97k exp hermit crab gives