Vicco wrote:So I played this game back during the Beta, and didn't really feel like coming back after the char wipe, until now.
And I'm stuck in the character creation screen.
So, i'll be blunt - is there any sense in wanting to use wands, staves AND twin swords? From what I've read here, wands are kind of garbage, and having to split my points between three stats will make me not very good at anything.
Like said above, I don't recommend going 3 weapon hybrid. As of now, there's only a few 3-weapon hybrids that's viable... namely Wand/Staff/Odachi or the 3 power weapons... and even then, you need a LOT of funding to make it work. Wand isn't as bad as the community says it is, but compared to those like Twin sword or Axe, the damage obviously weaker. But what they have going for them is the range and AOE, not to mention the lack of a mobbing limit. The SP consumption is horrible though.
As for staff, it depends if you're planning to add the bare minimum for invig/meditations/rapid storms, or if you're actually planning max the affinity. Most builds can do the former, but the latter isn't as easy to implement without losing out on too much damage.
Alternatively, you can keep a set of wand magatamas, a set of twin sword magatamas, and alternate between them after each run. Dex and Wisdom do surprisingly compliment each other, so you can try that. However, there aren't many ways to make Wand and Twin sword viable as of current date. If you want to have the easier time with dungeons, just go Twin sword/bow. If you're actually willing to go through the pain of dealing with the horrendous SP discrepancies (at all levels) of wand, go for it.