zay. wrote:- Less tax(5-15%?) or remove the tax.
You wish. They've already cut min prices in half twice I doubt anything more will happen.
zay. wrote:- That you get somehow better exp then leechers when u are supporting someone.
This has been debated throughly and I'm pretty sure the consensus was that it's too hard to differentiate a "leech" from a "support".
zay. wrote:- A better moving system, more ussage of jump, air attacks, air fights, something like the movement that partner in JP has ( this one will be totally ingored i guess or we have to spam it.)
Considering the new partner seems to have these mechanics, it's do-able. Will this get implemented? Probably (Almost guaranteed) not.
zay. wrote:- the most important one, new content -_-
This is already happening. GMs confirmed that at some point in May we'll be getting
something new.
zay. wrote:- guild or crew or something like that with diffrent events, for example 5 man party of the same guild need to get the fastest time of a spesific dungeon vs another guild something like that.
We've bugged them about guilds for a long time. Probably not happening.
zay. wrote:- more reward if u play longer we got now log in boost, but like if you have done 2 hours dungeon time ( the time u have been inside of a dungeon while attacking and moving, so no afking inside dungeons) that you get dungeon fever = 150% exp,ryuo and drop boost for 1 hour. then for 4 hours 300% dungeon fever, and maybe for 10 hours dungeon time 160 unspendable in bazar oc? Just some ideas to let ppl play longer the game. * do note those hours have to be on the same day...
5 free rolls every single day. You wish.zay. wrote:- magatama gacha’s ( i heard something like this was already on JP?)
Yes, JP has this. Yes, we will get this eventually.
zay. wrote:- top 3 people who made the most exp in 1 week will get awarded ( like number 1 = 300 oc + some other nice stuf number 2 = 200 oc + some other nice stuf etc.)
Again, ridiculous amounts of
free OC for relatively little work.
You wish. Perhaps if it was dungeon master and a smaller number they'd
consider it.
zay. wrote:- less fanservice in the advertising
Most sensible thing you've said in this entire blob.