This is simply because of the current limited magatama and ornament set ups we have now, as well as assuming we're currently clearing Oushuu dungeons. I'm a bow, so probably a bit bias? Maybe, maybe not.
Bow obviously is broken as shit ever since Amaya period, on top of that, Dex is a broken stat that gives you every stat you "need" in the game. Now we got that out of the way.
Bow is easy mode clearing because high mob limit with Amaya. Unless you do some down syndrome build like Pierce. *Cough*I cri *cough* all bows have to do is build holy and get 6 Amayas, Icicle storm or Restriction for single target mobs and mobs that resist Amaya. Funny how that works eh?
Wand has untapped potential on this server, but I'm not gonna pry into that as much as others have already done.
Axe has a 100% slice scaling Asura, 300% damage up with DEC, they also have BFB which is convenient as a melee weapon, and the recently buff Rock Shattering Strike is pretty strong as well. The only downside is currently they have shit mob limit and have to use Wadatsumis. They fully ultilize Fated Contractor's and Avengers on Monsters ornament potential seeing how 2x crit and 2x slice is completely meta, even for skills that don't scale 1:1 with slice.
Spear is only up "this" high because they can actually make the 105 magatama. That being said, The buff to Spirit blast makes spear actually pretty strong, along side with the better normal skills of the game, Revolving blast, WDS, and Ice blossom. They clear pretty well and generally don't have many problems. Pretty well rounded Imo.
TS, Fuujin, fuujin, fuujin. Fuujin is fucking great. Other than the fact that I kill myself using it, but that's besides the point. Having Thunder beast is pretty great at low levels, however really starts to fall off without new magatama as it can't kill mobs in one TB anymore. Though pretty meh atm cause melee range and no one hit kills. Only slightly better than sword cause of good set of normal skills and a variety of elements to work with.
Sword got the shit kicked out of them THIS patch. You literally can't one shot anything with sword, and TB is literally balls. Basically run around TSBing and pray to god you don't skill ghost it. Expect sword to top tier again when new maga come out, rejoice!
Staff isn't actually that bad compared to other weapons this time around. With the help of 105 magatamas that six of the eight weapons can't craft yet. I was terribly disappointed in the damage with holy pillar, Granted I did give up early. I had 300% sf and 120% holy, so I kinda maybe expected more damage than I dished? Anyway Nether trap not bad as a clear skill seeing how the AoE radius is even bigger than Amaya (Hey how about that!), but other than supporting, not much going for them till maybe Ougi 5 comes out. (Crosses fingers)
Odachi is basciaaaally bottom bitch atm. They can't one hit kill things with the normal strats, and can only shoot meteors which has insane start up time. Maybe someone has some new tech I don't know, but the only odachi player I knew got his shit kicked in.
I might be lacking information about a few of these, but you get the general idea.